• Question: What would you like to discover in the universe

    Asked by anon-253380 on 4 Jun 2020. This question was also asked by anon-254838.
    • Photo: David Sobral

      David Sobral answered on 4 Jun 2020:

      So many things!

      I would really like to discover the first stars to ever have formed. They invented Chemistry and are the reason why other stars then formed and ultimately allowed us to exist.

      It would be super cool to discover what dark matter is of course, but I will likely keep discovering new super distant galaxies instead!

    • Photo: Sophia Pells

      Sophia Pells answered on 17 Jun 2020:

      There so much we don’t know! Discovering what dark matter and dark energy actually are would be major discoveries and would hopefully answer a lot of questions in physics.
