• Question: What is your least favourite science subject and why?

    Asked by anon-255874 to Scott, Sam, Marios, Jose Angel, Enrico on 2 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Scott Lawrie

      Scott Lawrie answered on 2 Jun 2020:

      Hey Elanor, hmm that’s a tricky one. I suppose when I was at school, I wasn’t all that interested in the Humanities subjects: Religious Studies (RS), History or Geography. I chose Geography as my compulsory GCSE out of the three as it was a bit more varied in terms of subject matter. It was also a little bit sciency, for example learning about rocks and why cities were put where they were. I find history fascinating now and love learning about the past. My least favourite was and still is RS because I do not believe in god.

    • Photo: Marios Kalomenopoulos

      Marios Kalomenopoulos answered on 2 Jun 2020:

      I would say my least favourite science subject was biology.

      My main issue was with the way the subject was taught, rather than the subject itself. We had to learn many, many, many things by heart, so it was rather dry…, and boring.

      At some point though, we made some experiments that were interesting, but as they say: “too little, and too late” 😉

