• Question: Can you have different densities of dark matter, and does it affect how things like light and other matter travel through space? Since it's supposedly a matter, it's supposed to have particles, so it should have different densities right? I understand not much is known about it but if you have at least an idea or theory I'd be interested.

    Asked by anon-257942 on 25 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Richard Fielder

      Richard Fielder answered on 25 Jun 2020:

      Yes to both questions. Dark matter is thought to consist of some sort of currently unknown particle that doesn’t interact with the electromagnetic force, which means you can’t see it using light. But it still has mass and energy, which means it does interact with gravity. That’s how we know it’s out there – we can’t see it directly, but we can how the gravity it produces affects the things we can see. So the fact that it affects other matter is the only way we know it exists at all. And even though it doesn’t interact directly with light, its gravity still affects the path light travels through space (because of general relativity).

      As for density, that’s actually one of the most interesting things about it. Some of the first observations that led to the discovery of dark matter came from looking at the rotation of galaxies. You can calculate how fast things should orbit inside a galaxy by knowing how much mass there is (from the same maths that allows us to calculate things like the orbits of planets). When we checked, it seems almost all galaxies seem to have a lot more mass than we can see. But it’s not just that there’s too much mass, but it seems to be in very different places from where we’d expect – visible matter is more dense towards the centre of galaxies, but dark matter is more dense towards the edges. It’s these variations in density that allow us to figure out some of its properties and how it can’t interact much with ordinary matter, even without knowing exactly what it is or being able to study it in a lab.

    • Photo: Anne Green

      Anne Green answered on 25 Jun 2020:

      Yes, the dark matter (DM) density varies lots. In the early Universe, just after the Big Bang, there are small variations in the density (which lead to the temperature fluctuations which we’ve measured in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation https://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/universe/bb_cosmo_fluct.html). Gravity pulls matter together, so regions which were initially overdense get more overdense with time and eventually clumps of DM, called halos, form. The DM density is highest in the middle of DM halos and decreases rapidly with increasing distance from the centre. Later on gas condenses in the middle of these halos and stars and galaxies form. You can see supercomputer simulations of this process here: https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/galform/data_vis/
      DM does affect light and matter and this is where the observational evidence for DM comes from. Einstein’s general theory of relativity tells us that matter bends space, so that the path of light gets curved when it passes through a region with high density. This phenomena is known as gravitational lensing (the high density regions act like a lens) and it allows us to map out the distribution of DM with galaxy clusters (groups of tens or thousands of galaxies which are held together by DM). You can learn more about this here: https://www.thoughtco.com/introduction-to-gravitational-lensing-4153504
      DM affects the motion of stars via its gravitational force. In spiral galaxies stars move in circular orbits due to the force of gravity (like the planets in the Solar system). By measuring how fast the stars move, and how this varies with distance from the centre of gravity, we can measure how much matter there is in the galaxy and how it’s distributed. The stars in the outer regions of galaxies are moving much faster than they would if galaxies only contained the stars and gas we can see. This tells us that (provided Newton’s laws of gravity are correct) galaxies are surrounded by large, roughly spherical DM halos.
      We know, from the speed at which the Sun is moving around the centre of the Milky Way (roughly 220 km/s), that the DM density in the Solar neighbourhood is equivalent to a bit less than 1 proton per cubic metre. Using the CMB (and also the amounts of hydrogen, deuterium, helium and lithium made in the first few minutes of the Big Bang) we’ve found that the average density of normal matter is roughly 5 times smaller than the average DM density. And the average density of matter in the entire Universe (which we’ve measured using the CMB) is equivalent to roughly 1 hundred thousandth of a proton per cubic meter. Most of the Universe is essentially empty!
      The DM can’t be one of the normal particles we already know about. The most popular DM candidates are new exotic particles (for instance WIMPs and axions). Another possibility is Primordial Black Holes- black holes which could be produced just after the Big Bang (rather than via the collapse of stars). There are lots of experiments underway trying to detect WIMPs and axions. WIMPs can be detected either directly in the lab, when they interact with normal matter, or indirectly via the particles produced when 2 WIMPs come together. The signals expected in these experiments depend on how the DM is distributed in our Milky Way galaxy.
