• Question: Do you enjoy looking into space and what sort of equipment do you use ?

    Asked by anon-247028 to Megan on 29 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Megan Maunder

      Megan Maunder answered on 29 Jun 2020:

      I mainly look at the Sun, or at measurements made in the Heliosphere, which is a bubble created by the Solar Wind, a continuous stream of particles that come from the Sun. I love my job! I mainly work on a computer to look at the data. For images I look at coronagraphs, which are special cameras that create a synthetic eclipse so we can see the Sun’s atmosphere. At the moment I’m looking at images from the coronagraphs on the STEREO spacecraft that orbit the Sun. For measurements we have a variety of spacecraft including STEREO that are fitted with tools to measure plasma speed, proton density, and magnetic field strength.
